

Articles, News & Announcements

This area contains a mixture of posts about feelings and musings.


February 2nd, 2021|Personal|

#ITSNOTOK and #ItStillMatters. It's not Ok that people are sexually abused, as a child, as an adult, by another child, by an adult. Whenever you were abused, it still matters. You matter. Help is out there. In collaboration with Safeline and with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) I did an interview with a journalist from The Sun

Recovery discoveries

January 12th, 2021|Personal|

Recovery discoveries As we start another weird year, I've been taking stock of some of the discoveries that I've made on my long journey of healing and recovery. Here are some of them, including taming flashbacks; finding PTG; mind, brain and body links; EMDR; learning how to accept my mum's failings and still hold her good mum

Re-assembling myselves

December 17th, 2020|Personal|

Re-assembling myselves I was so traumatised during the abuse that happened to me during my childhood that I had to separate out different parts of myself. It was just too much to grasp, too much to experience at the time and so I would retreat into, sometimes out of, myself. These selves, parts, littles, inner

Reporting to the police

April 27th, 2020|Personal|

Why report? The conviction rate for rape is dismally low (Guardian article September 2019). The conviction rate for historical child sexual abuse (BBC News article 2016) is even lower. So why did I report to the police three times? Not really with any hope of convictions, I have to say. Although it would have

The weight of waiting

April 1st, 2020|Personal|

The weight of waiting My father started abusing me when I was a very small child. Touching me, making me touch him. Putting his fingers in me. Putting his willy in my mouth. Raping me. I don’t really remember a time when I was safe. I do remember waiting. Waiting for the next time. Waiting

Re-setting the smoke detector

April 1st, 2020|Personal|

Re-setting the smoke detector The human brain’s primary function is to keep us alive. It does a very good job too; largely undetected, it makes sure that we keep breathing, that our temperature remains normal, that our hormones are well-regulated etc. It also uses our senses to constantly scan the environment to check for danger. This

I have no words

April 1st, 2020|Personal|

I have no words There have been many times when I have experienced that awful feeling of simply not being able to speak. It’s not that I don’t want to verbalise my thoughts, sensations or feelings, I simply do not have any words. Sometimes I’ve been sitting in a therapy room, sometimes I’ve been on

Being ill

March 15th, 2020|Personal|

Being ill - March 2020 I’ve been ill for the past two and a bit weeks. I have what the pharmacist called, “A viral”. I think that’s a technical term for a head cold. Anyway, I’ve had a lot of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold, notably exhaustion, coughing that wakes me up in the

Why me?

March 12th, 2020|Personal|

Why me? - March 2020 Survivors of sexual abuse try to make sense of why abuse has happened to them. It is very common for a survivor to conclude that they are responsible for the abuse. I too decided early in my childhood that I must have been bad, that there was something wrong with

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Episode 21 Michelle and Cultures

October 27th, 2022|Podcast|

Podcast summary Episode 21 Michelle and Cultures Michelle talks about her experiences of the differences and similarities of public awareness of child sexual abuse in South Korea, the US and Vietnam. She also asks me a

Episode 20 Michelle and OLOH

October 27th, 2022|Podcast|

Podcast summary Episode 20 Michelle and OLOH Michelle talks about her experiences and her non-profit One Life One Heart International - OLOH Episode  20 Michelle talks about her experiences of child sexual abuse and about

Episode 18: New Q and A

March 16th, 2022|Podcast|

Podcast summary Episode 18 New Q and A Questions from Safeline counsellors:  including what helped and what didn't help me in therapy Episode 18 New Q and A with Safeline counsellors. This is the first

Episode 19: More Q and A

March 16th, 2022|Podcast|

Podcast summary Episode 19 More Q and A Questions from Safeline counsellors:  includes me talking about waiting, the inner child, triggers, dual attention, taking back control. This is the second part of two recordings of

Episode 17: Q and A Part 3

May 11th, 2021|Podcast|

Podcast summary Episode 17 Therapy Q and A Part Three A survivor of csa answers questions from Safeline counsellors: the effect of telling your story on your audience; therapy online; using dance, music, Feldenkrais I

Episode 16: Q and A Part 2

May 10th, 2021|Podcast|

Podcast summary Episode 16 Therapy Q and A Part Two A survivor of child sexual abuse does a Question and Answer session as a part of a training weekend for Safeline counsellors and staff. I

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