About my poems
Since I was a child, I have always used writing to help me to make sense of a world that was often confusing, scary and painful. I find that using a pen/crayon/pencil instead of trying to get words out of my mouth helps my thoughts and feelings flow in ways that speaking struggles with. I explore the role of speaking and trauma in one of my blogs, “I have no words“. I also talk about speaking out in front of other people in my second podcast, “Speaking out“.
I have included some of my poems on my website.
Some of the poems contain language and imagery that people may find challenging and perhaps triggering to read. This may be particularly true of, “My three”, which is about the three abortions I had before I was 15.
Please take care of yourself if you choose to read the poems. Remember to breathe, focusing on the out-breath, which is calming. Remember that these poems reflect my story and my journey, although I am sure that some of the emotions and experiences will be familiar to you.
I would encourage anyone with a history of trauma to use writing. It can be very helpful in understanding stuff which seems just out of reach. No-one else need ever read what you have written, although it can also be a way to give information about where you are to friends, supporters, loved ones, even therapists.
Becoming Whole
Becoming Whole We are trained by our histories and herstories
Flashbacks Sometimes I got lost in the maelstrom of memories