Podcast summary

Episode 3 In conversation with Liz Welsh from Safeline

Liz tells us about her role, which incudes overseeing counselling, and the ISVAs.

Liz talks about how Safeline was started, when Di Shoreman, who was working as a social worker, ran a group for women who were in the mental health service. It transpired that they all had one thing in common, that they had been sexually abused as children.

From the proceeds of a book of the group’s poetry, Di set up a helpline in her back bedroom. She called this, “Safeline”.

Liz tells us about the services that Safeline offers now, including counselling, helplines, art therapy, Independent Sexual Violence Advisors or ISVAs and preventive work in schools.

Janet and Liz talk about getting help from a therapist or counsellor.

Liz talks about how counsellors look after themselves, including being a member of a professional organisation, such as the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and having supervision.

The journey to recovery from child sexual abuse is long and painful. However you choose to find support and help on that journey, it is worth it. There is hope for recovery.

Thank you for listening.

About The Author


Janet lives in Warwickshire, in the UK. She has put this website together to share her experiences of being sexually abused as a child, the effects of that abuse, and her journey to recovery.