Podcast summary

Episode 7 In conversation with Emma and Patrinda from Safeline

Emma and Patrinda both work at Safeline in the Education and Prevention Services.

Emma outlines some of the projects that she works on in secondary schools in Warwickshire. These projects support children and young people who may be at risk. They have managed to deliver two holiday projects during lockdown.

Patrinda works in primary schools in Warwickshire. She outlines some of the topics covered in the projects delivered to younger children, such as bullying, self-esteem, drugs and alcohol; giving children the knowledge to keep themselves safe.

Emma describes the eight week project that is delivered in secondary schools. This includes topics such as grooming, internet safety, getting support if a young person feels unsafe. Part of the project includes an ASDAN award, as well as building self-esteem.

Patrinda describes the work being done by Safeline to reach ethnic community groups such as the Indian community. She took part in the delivery of a “Keeping Safe” session about healthy relationships and consent. They used the “cup of tea” video as an analogy for consent.

Emma talks about the difficulties that young people face with social media, including the pressure to “sext” or send indecent images, which is illegal, as it is creating or distributing child pornography. Once an image has been sent, there is no control over it.

Patrinda describes giving primary children the knowledge to keep themselves safe online. They use a video from CEOP  (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) to illustrate privacy.

Emma asks Janet what advice she would give to young people.

Emma and Patrinda describe how they cope with the feelings evoked by their jobs and how they look after themselves. Patrinda tells us about, “The Happy Jar”, which she encourages children to keep.

The journey to recovery from child sexual abuse is long and painful. However you choose to find support and help on that journey, it is worth it. There is hope for recovery.

Thank you for listening.

About The Author


Janet lives in Warwickshire, in the UK. She has put this website together to share her experiences of being sexually abused as a child, the effects of that abuse, and her journey to recovery.